Return & Exchange Policy allows for valid cancellation requests from its customers in following terms.

Cancellation Prior Shipping

You are eligible for full refund of the purchase price in pre-paid transaction, if you cancelled the transaction before it gets shipped. We will refund the entire amount within 21 days of Credit.

Cancellation after Delivery

Only Damaged & defective books can be return after receipt of the delivered shipment within 24 hours.
For returning shipment you can e-mail us at with proper reason and photographs (if any damage) Along with order ID.
Approved returns you have to send to our address along with packing slip and order ID. Refund can be expected within 7 to 14 days in the same form of payment which is originally used for purchase.
We will accept returns in case of printing errors, same shall be replaced with subject to availability.
You may write all other queries to

Contact Information

We welcome your comments on this Policy, or questions. You can contact us in writing or via our web site.